The End…





      The killer awoke before dawn…
He puts his boots on.
He took a face from the ancient gallary .. and he walked along the hall.
He went to the room where his sister lived.. nd then he paid a visit to his brother and then he… 
He walked along the hall..
And he came to a door…
And he looked  inside…

Father..  “Yes son”
“I want to kill you!!! “
“I want to Fuck you all night baby!!!”

The Doors
Jim Morrison..
The Lizard KING
Lyrics from the End

Famous Quotes to be remembered…!


    Here are some quotes that I came across and which I really liked and therefore thought I should share it with you.. I hope you like them.
  ” I learned to give not because I have too much.. but because I know how it feels to have nothing.. “
‘NOTHING haunts us like the things we don’t say”.
” The best people possess a feeling for beauty, The courage to take risks, THE dicipline to tell the truth, The capac.ity for sacrifice. Ironically,  their virtue makes them vulnerable, they are almost wounded..sometimes destroyed.     Hemingway
“We are all searching for those whose demons play well with ours!”
“Everyone’s you will ever meet knows something you don’t ” Paul.N
“There’s no greater agony than bearing an untold story inside of you! Maya.A
“Speak in such a way that others love to heat from you.. And listen in such a way that others love to talk to you “

    Well that’s it guys for now.. Have a great weekend and hope to see you soon xoxo

Life .. Is The Biggest B**** !!!


Jim Morrison once said : Life hurts a lot more .. and when you die the pain is over !!
I heard this when I was in my college years and was so captivated at the way he was able to describe life as it is in few simple words .. the Lizard king was a word man not a bird man as he put it and for me that was true and that doesn’t mean that he was not a good artist or Rock and Roll singer .. he was a great rock and roll figure and a legend that can never be forgotten or erased from the memories even though he passed away in the 70s yet still his music and songs are still playing in the radio and his fans-even from the young generation admire him and consider him the God of Rock .. For me he was God himself and I grew up admiring him so much and respecting him as well for he was not a clown in my eyes or just an entertainer .. he was an artist and so sensitive that when he first began to sing he was not able to face the crowd .. he was not confident enough in his talent and his abilities to be heard and respected, to be admired and taken seriously .. and I know that many people thought of him as a rebel who was a junkie and alcoholic and just was tripping on them and saying bullshit cause sadly this is how people look at addicts and consider them outlaws and rebels rather than sick people who are suffering from great pain and so sensitive, just like all addicts who would end up being addicts because reality hurts badly and treat them with cruelty where people never do understand your disease and look at your appearance and judge you according to that.. they never do bother or care about trying to help you only by locking you up in rehab an \d trying to get your system clean from the poison but what about the pain that one feel in the heart ???
They say behind every addict there is a story and reason that lead him to his downfall and usually addicts are the ones who are escapist and can not face the harsh reality that they are dealing with in their life and since they can not do that .. they turn to using and taking what will make them forget about life and be indifferent to its incidents and treatment …
Ok I gotta go now I have some work to do so see you later and have a good day .

Unbelievable Facts.. ..





      Life as we know it is full of surprises and strange things and people.. Here are some general information that I think are interesting to know…
* Did you know that sweat is colorless, but it’s the bacteria on tho skin that mingle with it and produce body odor.. And it’s wildly believed that those who have pure hearts and hold no grudges their sweat tend to be as pure as water while those who stink tend to have more evil and envy in their hearts towards others.. nit to mention that they are also very horny!!!
* Our brains have a negativutyvbias and will remember negative memories more thou good ones….
* “Haematodipsila” is a sexual thirst for blood! !!!
* Did you know that kangaroos hop because they can’t move their legs independently! !
*  Not arguing but fighting in a relationship represnt a lock of interest..
* Did you know that the man who invented the frisbee was cremated after his death and was made intoba frisbee! !!
    And finally.. A wise man once said “A happy life must be to a good extent a quiet life, for it is only in the atmosphere ofvthe quiet,  a man can obtain a joyful and happy existence “
Well..  I guess these facts are enough for today to keep you going on living in an positive surroundings.. while another wise man known to us all as Bob Marley said an unforgettable quote when he said:  Alcohol is the destruction of our lives while the herb is the cure of our hearts!!!
   Ok it’s time for me to go.. wish you guys a happy weekend and until we meet again..Be good.. take care.. spread love in the world.. and fight crimes andcevil doing. ..xoxo

Everyday Is A Whole New Beginning…


ψ†    Everyday is a new chance to start a new  and plan a head the future that you wish your life will turn out to be,,, The most important things and what really counts in laying down the foundation of your future is the choices you make at the present time … Now is the beginning ,, the start ,, It is where you start planning ahead for the life you wish to live and that is why it is really vital that you think thoroughly about every step that you take and every move that you move towards a better life and decent living ,,, so do not rush into making your choices today and don’t do things without thinking thoroughly of the consequences of your actions .. do not take for granted the little things that is happening now ,, and do not waste your time in oblivion to the future and awaits you ahead in life ,,,’

Enjoy your life and think positively when interacting with the universe around you ,,  do not be discouraged by the problems you find yourself facing now cause everything changes and nothing stays the same so do your best in making these years the best years of your life and spread love wherever you go ,,, Have a nice weekend everyone xoxo

Lizard King’s quotes.

Man, I’m sick of doubt.

~Jim Morrison

Family… .

Hello .. Hope everyone is enjoying the last day of the weekend ..
Mine have already ended and I’m at work now…  But I love Sundays ..
Anyways is s quote that I thought is really beautifulnand thought of sharing it with you ..I hope you like it…
Have a good day?  

IF you want to …

IF you want to shine like the sun .. First you have to burn like it …

Adolf Hitler

None but oursel…

None but ourselves can free our minds ..

Bob Marley

None but oursel…

None but ourselves can free our minds ..

Bob Marley